Alexx Elder


As a graphic and illustrative artist deeply immersed in the beauty of the outdoors, my work is often connected to my own personal experiences of being out in nature. 

Courtney Grey Esthetics
EP Climbing
Hannah Marie Photo
Trail Keeper
Wild Roots Hair Company
10 Barrel Brewing Co

Logos & Marks

About Me

Hi, I’m Alexx!

I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, and an all-around creative located in the beautiful Bend, Oregon. After graduating from the University of Washington in 2019 with a Bachelors of Visual Arts, I jumped into freelancing small graphic design jobs while beginning a small business selling art prints and stickers under the name k0diakkprints. 

 Over the past 5+ years, I’ve worked primarily independently and am mostly self-taught. From small start-up businesses, and design contests, to large companies and local climbing gyms - I have had a slew of experiences in the design world. I am always learning and striving to be better and more knowledgeable in the field, and am proud of the art I get to create daily. 

I spend my weekends sport climbing and bouldering around central Oregon and Washington, or bagging Cascade peaks and jumping in freezing alpine lakes. All alongside my very adventurous partner - my 14-year-old chihuahua mix, Kodiak.

Interested in a design or illustrative consult? Email me at!